
“Please do not be alarmed if a big man wearing a red suit picks you up and throws you into a bag. (Why?) Because I asked for you for Christmas.”

It is the holiday season and there are people you want under the mistletoe or even your new years kiss. Or you have that one person on your Christmas list. We all want that perfect holiday season with that special someone. How can you do that..? Well I just might have a few ideas for you.

So that person might have plans for Christmas already and if that is the case. You can say you and them can have a special day like the 23rd or the 26th and that is your Christmas with each other. You two can spend the holidays together and maybe even get that special kiss under the mistletoe! This idea of having a special Christmas can apply to friends and couples. I think its really cute when couples to that. It is a time where you can be together and enjoy the holidays.

Well thanks guys if you want to ask me something contact me at tellitalltori@gmail.com

Until next time Happy Holidays and comment if you think if I should continue with this blog. My class is ending so I am not sure if I should continue with this or not.

You gotta tell it all to Tori!

Problems in Paradise?

Hey guys! This weeks post is about problems in paradise. People think of relationships are this awesome thing that all it is spending time with their significant other and everything is going to be great and dandy and perfect…well.. That is not the case though. Couples go through this stage where everything is perfect and wonderful! Relationships take work and are not going to be fabulous all  the time. So my advice this week is about what to do in those situations. 

So when you are your significant other are not on the best terms the best thing to do is express your side and then have to do the hard thing and listen to their side. Listening to the other side is the other side of things. You have to equal playing time in the game or else that will lead to more problems. So after each side is heard and understood then you can talk about how to fix the problem. This method of handling problems takes a lot of courage and patience, and usually for couples that have been together for awhile. I can say this is how me and my significant other handle our problems.

If the couple doesn’t try to fix the problem then you wont might not last long as you would like to. So take the time to listen, you might be in the wrong sometimes!

Hey soo this is it for this week, but remember

you gotta tell it all to Tori 🙂   

Here we go.. Im going to say it… Breakups

“It’s not you its me” “I don’t think this us is going to work anymore” “I found someone else” “Im breaking up with you” All these sayings are said time to time when you are breaking up with someone or someone is breaking up with you. Breakups are devastating for both parties involved and can either lead to just friends or not even talking. Breakups happen for numerous amount of reasons. For instance people can break up over someone cheating, over disagreement or even the person isn’t feeling what they once felt for that person. So now ill talk about what you can do if you are the breakuper or the breakupy. 

If you want to break-up with someone do it as soon as you can. I mean don’t lead them on in thinking that you still like them just sit them down and talk to them about how you are feeling and what you think should be done about it. This is a hard job to handle because you might be breaking that persons heart. You have to do it in the respectful way too. If you and your significant other are really not getting along like you used to, and you want to break up. Well you can’t go up to them and say “We are done…Bye”. Thats just not right and it is plain old mean! You can say something like “We haven’t been getting along like we used to and I don’t think me and you are meant to be together.. I think its best we stay friends” Something like that can bring the situation down a few levels of drama. Honestly try and make it is as easy as possible, make it sound like that what you both want and it is best for that other person. 

So on the flip side if you are the person getting broken up with.. Try and stay strong as it is actually happening you hearing it is just as hard as the person breaking up with you. If a person breaks up with you and you think that you are really in love with this person you can do one of two things: 1) give it a few days the person might miss you and want to get back together. 2) that person obviously was not the person you want in your life so have a few girls/guys nights and try not to think about it. Laughter sometimes is the best medicine and you will laugh a lot if you are around the right group of friends. And then when you feel ready get back into the game and start meeting new people you never know who you will find! 

Well thats it for today! I hope it helped someone out there! If you have any questions or need advice feel free to contact me at tellitalltori@gmail.com 

well until next time you gotta tell it all to Tori