
“Please do not be alarmed if a big man wearing a red suit picks you up and throws you into a bag. (Why?) Because I asked for you for Christmas.”

It is the holiday season and there are people you want under the mistletoe or even your new years kiss. Or you have that one person on your Christmas list. We all want that perfect holiday season with that special someone. How can you do that..? Well I just might have a few ideas for you.

So that person might have plans for Christmas already and if that is the case. You can say you and them can have a special day like the 23rd or the 26th and that is your Christmas with each other. You two can spend the holidays together and maybe even get that special kiss under the mistletoe! This idea of having a special Christmas can apply to friends and couples. I think its really cute when couples to that. It is a time where you can be together and enjoy the holidays.

Well thanks guys if you want to ask me something contact me at tellitalltori@gmail.com

Until next time Happy Holidays and comment if you think if I should continue with this blog. My class is ending so I am not sure if I should continue with this or not.

You gotta tell it all to Tori!

Problems in Paradise?

Hey guys! This weeks post is about problems in paradise. People think of relationships are this awesome thing that all it is spending time with their significant other and everything is going to be great and dandy and perfect…well.. That is not the case though. Couples go through this stage where everything is perfect and wonderful! Relationships take work and are not going to be fabulous all  the time. So my advice this week is about what to do in those situations. 

So when you are your significant other are not on the best terms the best thing to do is express your side and then have to do the hard thing and listen to their side. Listening to the other side is the other side of things. You have to equal playing time in the game or else that will lead to more problems. So after each side is heard and understood then you can talk about how to fix the problem. This method of handling problems takes a lot of courage and patience, and usually for couples that have been together for awhile. I can say this is how me and my significant other handle our problems.

If the couple doesn’t try to fix the problem then you wont might not last long as you would like to. So take the time to listen, you might be in the wrong sometimes!

Hey soo this is it for this week, but remember

you gotta tell it all to Tori 🙂   

Here we go.. Im going to say it… Breakups

“It’s not you its me” “I don’t think this us is going to work anymore” “I found someone else” “Im breaking up with you” All these sayings are said time to time when you are breaking up with someone or someone is breaking up with you. Breakups are devastating for both parties involved and can either lead to just friends or not even talking. Breakups happen for numerous amount of reasons. For instance people can break up over someone cheating, over disagreement or even the person isn’t feeling what they once felt for that person. So now ill talk about what you can do if you are the breakuper or the breakupy. 

If you want to break-up with someone do it as soon as you can. I mean don’t lead them on in thinking that you still like them just sit them down and talk to them about how you are feeling and what you think should be done about it. This is a hard job to handle because you might be breaking that persons heart. You have to do it in the respectful way too. If you and your significant other are really not getting along like you used to, and you want to break up. Well you can’t go up to them and say “We are done…Bye”. Thats just not right and it is plain old mean! You can say something like “We haven’t been getting along like we used to and I don’t think me and you are meant to be together.. I think its best we stay friends” Something like that can bring the situation down a few levels of drama. Honestly try and make it is as easy as possible, make it sound like that what you both want and it is best for that other person. 

So on the flip side if you are the person getting broken up with.. Try and stay strong as it is actually happening you hearing it is just as hard as the person breaking up with you. If a person breaks up with you and you think that you are really in love with this person you can do one of two things: 1) give it a few days the person might miss you and want to get back together. 2) that person obviously was not the person you want in your life so have a few girls/guys nights and try not to think about it. Laughter sometimes is the best medicine and you will laugh a lot if you are around the right group of friends. And then when you feel ready get back into the game and start meeting new people you never know who you will find! 

Well thats it for today! I hope it helped someone out there! If you have any questions or need advice feel free to contact me at tellitalltori@gmail.com 

well until next time you gotta tell it all to Tori

Did I fall for them?

So this is a crazy topic because love is different for every person. Love can be defined by an intense feeling of deep affection. People can say they fell in love but in reality they just think they did or fell in love with the idea of being in love. Love is a confusing feeling to deal with and hard to explain. Falling in love with someone is a big deal and not something that can be handled lightly.

I feel that you know that you fell in  love is that one person can do something wrong but at the end of the day you still want to be by their side. You hate not being with them and you can talk to them for days and never run out of something to say. You can’t see a day without seeing this person. It is something that you feel inside. You get butterflies when you see them, and smile every time you do. I can’t explain how I feel about it but I’m pretty sure I am in love.

You have to deal with a lot in high school and college or even the work place, you could think that you aren’t in love with the guy/girl you eat lunch. But next thing you know is that the  guy/girl you eat lunch with tripped you, and now you fell in love. You love everything that person says even if it is the dumbest thing in the world.

Well I know this one couple and they have been together for awhile and the girl in the relationship wrote a letter to her boyfriend, but doesn’t want to give it to him yet… but she is letting me type it (with some editing) and show the world to show what love is! And so here it is :

Dear love,

I don’t know where to begin! I can’t believe that God let us find each other so early in life. You make me go crazy from time to time, but i wouldn’t change anything about you. I feel like I have known you for a life time but it has only been a couple years. I can’t imagine doing anything without you. I know that no matter what you will be there for me. We have had our issues in the past and we probably won’t be able to see eye to eye on everything but those differences will make us stronger! You ask why i waited for you.. It’s cause i knew there was something between us that was unstoppable and rare to have with another person. I hope you see what i see now.. All the waiting we did was well worth it! I know that no one can tear us apart, even if people have tried from time to time. But babe honestly i will be by your side whenever you call! My hands will be holding you every step we take. I believe what we found is amazing and no one can begin to understand what we share. I know that God gave me you for ups and downs! I know when i feel lost and alone… Im not because you are right!  Thank you babe for always being there for me and never letting me down. I love you.

Love, well me! 🙂

So when you feel the same way my friend does, I think you can say you fell! and then go to that person and tell them that they tripped you and you fell for them!

If you are confused if you fell in love or not email me and we can talk about it! And ill let you know what I think! Until next time….

you gotta tell it all to Tori!



Movie time

You and your crush (that you guys are only friends) are sitting on the couch watching a movie and all you can think about is “what if i put my head on their shoulder” or “what if i hold their hand, would they get freaked out?” You want more from this relationship and you are ready to start with small steps. Well if you are a guy in this situation, i would say go for it, and put your arm around her. If she snuggles really close into you after that means you did something right! If she kinda just sits there and gives a weird look, she doesn’t want that. For the ladies in the house and your in this situation its a little harder to deal with cause we want the guy to make the first move, so a simple move that you can do is place your pinky and ring finger gently on his hand or put your head on their shoulder. This is telling the guy that hey, im right her and you can look at me and i want to cuddle. When people are in this situation it is hard to make the first move cause you don’t know how the other person is going to react. So It is important to take things slow and don’t rush into anything else either. 

Story about my friend John. His first kiss he had no clue what he should do so this girl started to like him and he was liking her back. So one day they were watching a movie together and she put her head on his shoulder and next thing they both knew, was that they were kissing. So when both people feel something for each other who knows what might happen. These two now are together and they haven’t left each others sides since then. 

Well that is it for today. If you wanted to get another opinion on what we talked about today check out this advice column from love sick. So until next time

You gotta Tell it all to Tori


When the person you like is with someone else

When the person you like is with someone else

Hey everyone! Well this weeks topic is crushing on someone who is in a relationship. This problem happens to alot of people. It has happened to me and my friends. So what do we do with it? Well I have a few tips of advice to give you now.

Well your first option when you are in this scenario is to try and ignore your feelings, or pretend they aren’t there. This is usually the most common option. This is the safest option also, for the people around you but maybe not you. If you keep it to yourself no one will know about your feelings , especially that person. If and when that person finds out debating on that person things could get really awkward and maybe even loosing the friendship you two have. BUT if you do decide to keep it to yourself you will have to control your feelings when you are around this person. You also have to be careful what you say if you don’t want them finding out. This is hard but if you can handle it all the emotion you might have, and you can handle that person talking about their boyfriend/girlfriend.. then I say its worth a shot.

Your second option you might have is tell the person about how you feel. And if you are ready for a hurricane of feelings and emotions… then this is the option for you. This one is tricky and if you say it  to the wrong person they could get freaked out and then you just lost a friend. If you tell the person you will have to know that things wont be awkward afterwards. It would stink to lose a friend over something that can’t be changed. You two as adults would have to handle it. Whether it is you just needing it to get off your chest or you had enough with waiting and something needs to be done whether that is being together or not. You have to tread lightly in this situation and try not to hurt anyones feelings. You don’t want to hurt people because of your selfish reasons.

I have seen this problem show up all the time. I have friends right now going through and even I have went through it once or twice. I always used the first method and didn’t tell them that I liked him, I would just talk to my best friends about it. I have seen people where they have told the person and they stayed friends and acted like it was never said. But then I have seen people tell the person and they are not friends anymore, because things got so awkward between them.  You really have to consider the person you are crushing ons personality. If you know that you two can stay friends through it then I don’t think it would matter. Make sure you are strong in your position and you stick with it and don’t back down on how you feel!

Until next time..

When you have a problem and you don’t know what to do..

You gotta

tell it all to Tori

Advice from Adriana DeCubellis

She is giving good advice and I think this will be very helpful for everyone if they need help with anything! I hope you guys enjoy!

You have to tell it all to Tori!

What is this?

I bet your thinking right now is  “what is this.?” “What should I do for what?” Well I am not here to tell you what to do only to give advice.  This is a blog helping girls and guys get advice with the opposite sex, especially how to deal with the your guy friend or girl friend  where you are together all the time and people ask you all the time if you two are together but then you have to say no.. *awkward silence*…So yeah that is what this blog is going to be about  I am also going to give actual examples and personal experiences of myself and my friends.

Well I would like to start off and introduce myself. My name is Tori and I am new to blogging. I am a student at Eastern University and  one fun fact about me is that I love to dance! It is a really big passion of mine. Another passion of mine is helping people. Hence the reason for the blog. I am 18 years old and I have been through a lot and have seen my friends go through a lot with relationships, so I have a good idea about what I am talking about. Especially with the guy or girl  that you like and you two are “best friends” and you know that there is more to the relationship then just friends….and so does everyone else. You can look more in the about me is where I have more information about myself. Feel free to check it out! Also feel free to ask me questions! you can email at tellitalltori@gmail.com. I will email you back with what I think you should do and maybe even post it to my blog.

Well I guess now I will start with the beginning of story about my friend (Samantha) and and her now boyfriend (John). They have liked each since their sophomore year in high-school. Now they are now freshmen in college and they are finally going out as boyfriend and girlfriend. I have to say though through their 4 years they had gone trough a lot more then any couple or not couple ever. They had gone to soph hop and junior prom and senior prom together and they were even together at their high-school freshmen dance together. (just not as dates) But John wasn’t what you might think that he was. Since he secretly had some self confidence (though he claimed he didn’t) and he didn’t have an official girlfriend, he decided to act like a guy…who liked to flirt… a lot! So this is what my blog is all about.. What should my friend Samantha do? She can leave him completely and stay just strictly friends and totally stop flirting with him, OR talk to him see what is going on with him and tell him that if he is going to flirt with girls, she is going to flirt with guys OR just totally brush it off and act like he is not doing it and then not talk about it and hide her feelings. Well I will tell you what she did… She decided to stick with him, she told him though as long he was going to flirt and talk to girls so was she. I think that this is a fair plan… other then Sam really didn’t because she was to afraid if hurting John. But since John wasn’t the smartest he didn’t see her doing this for him. I think the best thing would be for them is talking about what feelings they have a and coming up with a decision on what to do together. It is important that they do this so no one is severely hurt emotionally. But I think that if John wants to flirt with girls and be a “player” that Sam shouldn’t hold back. She can go and find guys that she can flirt with and be with. Should she wait for John? Thats depends on the person… If she is strong enough and patient enough to let that happen, then as long as she has her own life then i think that it fine.

But the situation  that Sam is in I think is difficult and she is not alone. There are so many people in the same situations. And that is what i am here to give you advice on. So feel free to email me tellitalltori@gmail.com no question is a dumb one either I know you won’t be a lone in wondering whatever it is you are wondering about.

Thanks for reading! feel free to take the poll and if you have any suggestions for my blog feel free to email me that to or even if you just want to say hi!

Im Tori and Im going to tell it all!